Kaycee Miniature Microswitches type K3 is an extremely versatile switch with "SNAP" action. Operated by light pressure or small movement or both. Its applications are wide used as control gear for industrial application Automation.
Miniature Microswitch with its actuators caters to every possible application where precision, rugged dependability and positive contact are required.
Kaycee Miniature Microswitches are available in these different types of terminals as shown on the reverse page.
The various types of actuators are shown below. The basic switch can be supplied with any of these terminals, having operating force as shown in the Table along side and actuators to suit individual requirements. Please specify the type of terminal, operating force, current rating and actuator required.
The switch case is made from high di-electric PHENOLIC material-operating plunger or NYLON contact blades of BERYLLIUM COPPER and contacts of SILVER alloy thus ensuring long Electrical and Mechanical life.